How can we help you?

You can find many answers quickly and easily in our FAQ's.

You have not found what you are looking for? Then write us a message.

Billing portal

Only for customers using the Flagship Store at Brunnenstr. 155. After you booked your plan, you can log in to the billing portal.


General questions

  • What is PaketConcierge?

    PaketConcierges are stores in your neighborhood that accept packages for you. PaketConcierge accepts ALL packages, no matter where you order and who is delivering them.

  • How does PaketConcierge work?

    After you have installed the PaketConcierge app, you select your PaketConcierge yourself. We will give you a shipping address that you can use every time when you receive a package. We will notify you via our app as soon as your package has arrived. You can pick up your package when it suits you - immediately or later. All you need to pick up your package is your smartphone.

  • Does PaketConcierge cost anything?

    PaketConcierge is free of charge at 25 locations.Only at our Flagship Store at Brunnenstr. 155, we offer a fee-based concept. This includes many additional services to make it even more convenient for you.

  • Where can I order with PaketConcierge?

    You can use your PaketConcierge shipping address everywhere. So for online orders as well as private packages from your friends and family.
    Your PaketConcierge accepts packages and letters for you. We kindly ask you not to send any freight forwarding or very large shipments to a PaketConcierge (e.g. car tires or a refrigerator). Your PaketConcierge is not designed for this and has no space to store such shipments for you.

  • How do I select a PaketConcierge?

    After registering, you will find a map in the PaketConcierge app with our PaketConcierges and their opening hours. Select a PaketConcierge and tap on 'Select'. Immediately you will see your PaketConcierge shipping address, which you can use for all orders.
    You can select another PaketConcierge in the app at any time.

Questions regarding the shipping address

  • Where can I find my PaketConcierge shipping address?

    Once you have selected a PaketConcierge in the app, we will show you your shipping address. We will also send you an email with your shipping address.
    It's best to save your shipping address as the default delivery address.

  • How do I use the PaketConcierge shipping address?

    It's straightforward. A PaketConcierge shipping address consists of the following three elements:
    1. Name of the PaketConcierge2. Personal PaketConcierge ID (e.g. PC-ABCDEFG)3. Address of the PaketConcierge
    All three pieces of information must be in the shipping address.
    #1 Enter the business name of the PaketConcierge as the first name.
    #2 Enter your PaketConcierge ID (e.g. PC-ABCDEFG) as the last name.
    #3 Do NOT write your name in the shipping address.This will confuse the delivery person and may result in your package not being delivered. Feel free to include your phone number.
    Addressing a package to our PaketConcierge Esperanto looks like this, for example:
    First Name: Esperanto SpätiLast Name: PC-ABCDEFGStreet and Number: Simon-Dach-Str. 18ZIP code: 10245City: Berlin

  • Why should I not include my name in the shipping address?

    Names confuse the deliverers. It can happen that the driver searches in vain for your name on the bell plate and therefore your package is not delivered.
    Any additional information also increases the likelihood that one of the three important elements of a PaketConcierge shipping address will not be printed in full on the package label. Therefore, we recommend addressing the shipments as described in 'How to use the PaketConcierge shipping address'.

  • How do I specify my PaketConcierge ID?

    Enter your PaketConcierge ID as the last name.
    See also 'How do I use the PaketConcierge shipping address'?

  • What can I do if my PaketConcierge ID is not accepted?

    Sometimes the PaketConcierge ID is not accepted as the last name. Then you can specify your PaketConcierge ID as the first name or in the address suffix.
    You can also specify the PaketConcierge ID without hyphen and it is case-insensitive. So the ID PC-ABCDEF1 can also be specified as Pc-abcdefg or PCabcdefg.
    The important thing is that your ID starts with PC.

Questions regarding pick up

  • How do I collect my package from PaketConcierge?

    All you need is your smartphone to pick up your package. Open the app and go to your packages. Once you have selected a package, tap 'Show pick-up code' at the bottom. Your PaketConcierge will scan the QR code and give you your package. Please always confirm the collection by tapping 'I have received the package'.

  • How long does PaketConcierge keeps packages?

    It would be nice if you could collect your package after five working days at the latest. If you can't make it, please write us a message.

  • Can someone else pick up my package?

    Not at the moment.

    As soon as there is the possibility of granting a power of attorney, we will inform you about it.

  • What can I do if I have not received a delivery notification from PaketConcierge?

    If you have received a delivery notification from the carrier or the online shop but have not been notified by us, please send us a message. You can also reach us on +49 176 55 665 890 (also via WhatsApp).

  • I can't display my pick up code, what should I do?

    If you cannot access the pick up code, please check the following:
    Are the location services activated?When you collect your package, we check that your smartphone is close to your PaketConcierge. Tracking services are needed for this.
    Do you have internet reception? Activate mobile data and check that you are not connected to a Wi-Fi network that is not working.
    Close the PaketConcierge app and open it again.Sometimes this simple step is enough to get it working again.
    Do you have the latest version of the app installed?It's best to always use the latest version of our app.

Do you need any help?

Send us a message and we will help you as soon as possible.

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