How to use PaketConcierge


Download our App

Install the PaketConcierge app on your smartphone and register. Registering takes less than a minute.

Select your PaketConcierge

On the map you can see all PaketConcierge locations and their opening hours. Select a PaketConcierge to get your personal delivery address. You can start using PaketConcierge immediately.
You can change your PaketConcierge in the app at any time.


Use the PaketConcierge address

Enter your PaketConcierge address as the shipping address, no matter where you order and which carrier delivers your package. For detailed instructions and tips on how to use your PaketConcierge address, please have a look at our FAQs.

Conveniently pick up your package

When your package is delivered to your PaketConcierge, you will immediately receive a notification. You can pick up your package when it suits you - right away or later. Pickup is quick and easy. All you need is your smartphone.


Save time and be happy

No more standing in line at the post office, no more searching at the neighbors and no more scavenger hunt with notification card in hand.
With PaketConcierge, you determine where all your packages arrive and when you pick them up. And it's free of charge and 100% reliable.

Download the PaketConcierge app now

PaketConcierge is your pick-up point for all packages. PaketConcierge is free of charge, because we collaborate with all the carriers.