
From 3,000 to 450 delivery vans

27. März 2024

This is how the number of package delivery vehicles in Berlin can be reduced from 3,000 to 450!
Every day, approximately 3,000 delivery vehicles traverse the streets of Berlin to distribute around 600,000 packages to nearly as many front doors. We are well aware of the challenges associated with delivery vehicles, whether it's blocking roads or parking in the second row, causing inconvenience for many and posing a danger to all road users, particularly cyclists.
3,000 delivery vans for 600,000 packages every day
The delivery driver departs from the depot with approximately 200 packages in the van, intending to deliver them individually to each front door within an eight-hour timeframe. This equates to roughly 3 minutes allocated for each package. Within this timeframe, the driver must navigate to the address, find parking, retrieve the correct package from the van, locate the door and doorbell, await a response, and potentially ascend to higher floors or back buildings – and then return to the vehicle. Throughout this process, the vehicle often becomes obstructive to traffic flow.
Reducing the amount of delivery vans and CO₂ emissions by 85%
Assuming packages were not delivered to front doors but to package pick-up stores without exception, the landscape would change dramatically. Let's consider Berlin as an example. Presently, there are 3,000 package pick-up stores across the city. With an even distribution, each store would handle approximately 200 packages, a manageable volume. Consequently, rather than spending three minutes delivering a single package to a front door in the best-case scenario, the delivery person could distribute 200 packages to a package pick-up store within just a few minutes.
If we follow this reasoning to its logical conclusion, a significantly more efficient logistics concept can be implemented. With only 450 delivery vehicles—85% fewer than are currently in operation—all 600,000 packages could still be delivered.